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Bag It Up, Recycling, Upcycling, Reusing Plastic Waste, Plastic Bag, Plastikmüll, Plastikabfall, keep that plastic bag in the loop, berlin, sustainability, Nachhaltigkeit, erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode

Upcycled Plastic

Bag To Bags is a project created to reduce plastic waste and instead make something new and beautiful from it.

In Germany 10.000 Plastic Bags are used per Minute.


And 90% of the world's plastic bags go to landfills or are burnt.

For the bags fabric waste is combined with several layers of plastic bags.

It's a simple procedure that anybody can learn.

plastic, Plastik, Plastiktüten, plastic bags, Plastikmüll, plastic trash, recycling, erie, berlin, sustainability, Nachhaltigkeit, erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode, plastic bags, Bag to Bags, Bag To Baggers

Let's share our processes and outcomes to learn from one another, inspire and be inspired!

Lasst uns unsere Prozesse und Ergebnisse miteinander teilen, voneinander lernen, inspirieren und einander inspirieren!

  • Instagram Social Icon
erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode, plastic bags, Bag to Bags, Bag To Baggers

Maryam is one of the first Bag to Baggers. She took part at the workshop of the

ReThink Festival by ReFashion ReFood workshop and continues now in Switzerland to spread the word!

Become a

Bag to Bagger

and learn how to upcycle plastic bags at a workshop and share your work on Instagram or via contact formular!

  • Instagram Social Icon
erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode, plastic bags, Bag to Bags, Bag To Baggers
erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode, plastic bags, Bag to Bags, Bag To Baggers
erie, sustainability, nachhaltige & ökologische Kleidung, grüne Mode, vegan, Berlin, cradle to cradle, C2C, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, biological Cycle, circular, zirkulär, kompostierbare Kleidung, compostable clothing, make-use-return, circular system, zirkuläres System, vegan, erie, berlin, sustainability, sustainable clothing, nachhaltige Kleidung, ökologische Kleidung, ecological clothes, ecological, no harm for animals, non-violent, tierfreundlich, vegane Kleidung, vegan clothing, erie Belrin, zero waste, sustainability, cradle to cradle, upcycling, Nachhaltigkeit, ökologische Mode, grüne Mode, ethical clothing, circular design, sustainable & circular apparel, natural dyeing, natürlich Färben, Upcycling, Bio Mode, faire Mode, plastic bags, Bag to Bags, Bag To Baggers



erie Berlin creates sustainablilty on all levels of the creation of a piece of clothing through a circular design and a conscious way of working, where every step supports everything and everyone in the process.

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